Operation Christmas is a way to bless families (with children 18 and under living in their home) that are in financial need at Christmas time. We want to sponsor and resource those families with things like gloves, scarves, coats and toys for the children.
If you are in need, or know of a family in need, there is an application process to fill out, and a Potter's House team member will contact the family. We want to ensure there is no duplicating with other organizations/churches in the same family. We also want pray for the families, and show them the overwhelming love of God the Father.
**Submissions for Operation Christmas 2023 are now full and CLOSED.
(The name of the person submitting the form will be kept confidential.)
If you want to GIVE and purchase a gift, there will be a tree in the church lobby November 5th through December 3rd with tags that show what you will need to purchase.
Those purchasing gifts at the Columbus Campus can even shop online with this Amazon Wish List link. Items will be shipped directly to the Columbus campus.
Simply take the tag(s), purchase a new gift(s), and return them with the gift tag, unwrapped by Dec. 3rd.
As we celebrate this season of giving, you are welcome to attend a gift wrapping night on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at the Columbus campus.
We will begin at 7:00 pm in the gym to wrap presents for the families. There will even be some Christmas sweets too!
*Please bring any Christmas gift paper, boxes and other wrapping type supplies that you are willing to donate.